Ecoanimateca is applied in 229 schools in 91 cities in the State of São Paulo

Ecoanimateca is a virtual interdisciplinary space that unites art, culture, environment, education and technology to create new opportunities to teach and learn, in a fun and meaningful fundamental themes of the contemporary socio-environmental context.

Where it was applied

In 229 schools in 91 cities in the state of São Paulo






More than 9,000 students and teachers

Ecoanimateca is an interdisciplinary virtual space that unites art, culture, environment, education, and technology to create new opportunities to teach and learn, in a fun and meaningful way, fundamental themes of the contemporary socio-environmental context.

Topics covered

The Ecoanimateca has 180 animated objects and 180 in-depth content sheets, and are organized into the following themes:


Climate Change





Urban Environmental Problems


Environmental Culture

Project scope

In February 2010, the CENP, Coordination of Studies and Pedagogical Standards, of the São Paulo State Education Secretariat, requested the continuation of the project and its expansion to other cities in the state.
To distribute the licenses, a videoconference was held for all school boards on April 7, 2010 with the mediation of CENP's Marlene Gardel. The result of the videoconference was the registration of 229 schools from 91 cities, 4,211 teachers and 115,273 students.
As the number of registrations exceeded our expectations and possibilities without sponsorship, we decided with CENP to give access to the system to 4,211 teachers and 5,000 students from 229 schools, located in 91 cities in the State of São Paulo for one year; ending the project with 9,211 people beyond those agreed upon in the original project, which reached over the years 15,000 teachers and students.

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