Teacher Training in Environmental Education and Basic Sanitation

Our 60-hour course Educating Sustainable Societies, developed in partnership with FSP-USP, is applied in the training of 75 elementary school teachers from the São Paulo City Hall in Environmental Education for Basic Sanitation.

Where it was applied

USP School of Public Health, São Paulo




Social Responsibility


75 teachers from 7 elementary schools

The project was developed with FSP-USP to train elementary school teachers from the São Paulo City Hall in Environmental Education for Basic Sanitation.
This course was the basis for the doctoral thesis of a student in the public health services concentration area at FSP-USP.

Course features

The 60-hour course works on conceptual nuclei related to the following themes: production patterns, consumption patterns, degradation and consumption level, basic sanitation, and sustainability.
The course features integrative concept maps and flash animated content, videos, individual reflection activities, collective reflection activities, hands-on activities, and action-reflection groups.

FSP-USP's evaluation of the course

At the end of the course, it was noticed that the participating teachers had a more accurate perception of the conditions of the environment and basic sanitation; they presented a differentiated posture regarding the understanding of the influence of these factors in determining the level of people's health and quality of life, according to the testimonials collected.
The teachers participating in the project, knowing their social, economic, political, cultural, and environmental reality and the reality in which their students were inserted, were stimulated to produce their own educational materials together with their co-workers and students.
These materials served to facilitate the teaching of environmental health with an emphasis on basic sanitation, as well as to reinforce the knowledge acquired or already existing on the subject, thus proving that the course was important for the practical performance of these professionals.
"I really liked the course, it gave me the idea of doing a workshop on reusing or recycling objects. Here at school there is a student's mother who works with objects made of PET bottles and she can help me with this activity"
Student from the GFLMB class
"The course was enlightening, we don't stop to think about what we do wrong every day."
GFAR Class Student
"The course is enlightening, it covers several topics that we had a superficial knowledge of, it deepened our knowledge, it provoked reflection, now all that's missing is the attitude. I can't hear about sanitation and the environment and I'm hooked. The course was very good, thank you!
Student in GFEM class

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