More agility in the "My Home My Life" Program

In Boa Vista, more than 17,000 families in the "Minha Casa Minha Vida" program are included in ZUP's inventory system, giving social agents more agility in their visits and in updating the families' conditions.

Where it was applied

Boa Vista (Roraima)




Social Responsibility / Smart City


17 thousand families have been identified and registered in the system

ZUP* allows the creation and management of various inventories. In Boa Vista, Cognita has contributed with the publication of the inventory of families benefiting from the program "My Home My Life". In this process, more than 17,000 families were identified and registered in the system.
*ZUP is free software created by Tim Institute and developed by Cognita

ZUP Technical

The Technical ZUP is articulated with the inventory, allowing social agents to visit each registered family and update, in real time, the registry and the changes in the living conditions of each one.
Another inventory under construction is the Public Works in Progress inventory, which will allow the city hall to control in real time the evolution of the works through the ZUP Technical application.

Scalable Digital Onboarding

The integration of new employees has always been important: contributing to talent retention, alignment with the vision and values of the organization, and increased productivity.
Today, in a context of market heating and increased turnover, onboarding is considered a priority and strategic, as an indicator of how quickly the company can compose and replace its team in order not to affect the operation; or to gain scale, taking advantage of business opportunities.
Cognita designs, implements and makes Onboarding Programs operational, integrating both the institutional and technical dimensions in a digital, scalable and customized journey, with adaptive sequences that change the path of new employees according to the area of the company they are joining and the role they will play there.
(Case Onboarding Take Blip)