ZUP in the fight against aedes aegypti

Endemic agents from Boa Vista's city hall use the ZUP system to help in the fight against Aedes aegypti, the mosquito that transmits diseases like dengue and Zika.

Where it was applied

Boa Vista (Roraima)




Social Responsibility / Smart City


320,714 people (population of Boa Vista in 2015)

Agents of the Boa Vista municipal government are using the ZUP* system to help in the fight against Aedes aegypti, the mosquito that transmits diseases such as dengue and Zika.
The new technology began to be used from the Bela Vista neighborhood, during the launch of the "Boa Vista against the Zika Virus" campaign.
*ZUP is free software created by Tim Institute and developed by Cognita

Boa Vista against the Zika Virus

On December 20, 2015 the campaign "Boa Vista against Zika Virus" was launched. Since then, the ZUP platform is being used by health agents in the field, through the mobile app, who record the location of mosquito foci, the actions taken to combat them, and also register the houses in the region.

The records registered in the system are now part of the urban mapping about the Aedes aegypti foci, which will be available to the city hall.

According to the Digital Inclusion secretary, Arthur Brandão Machado, this first action is to raise awareness and register the occurrences, eliminating the use of paper sheets, which made the work slower and heavier. "80% of the trained people have cell phones with the necessary technology to use the ZUP. This way, we will be able to register on a georeferenced map the results obtained with the visits and make an assessment of the efforts to contribute to the planning of new actions", he said.

"The ZUP application offers a tool that allows us to evaluate the results, that is, how many foci were identified and how many were eliminated. It allows the registration and location of the house, the breeding site, the health education process of the resident, and the elimination of the focus"
Emerson Capistrano, Municipal Superintendent of Surveillance and Health
"Now everything is online: the infestation records, the houses that were and were not visited, etc. A positive point is the agility of these processes for us."
Renato Sena, mobilization agent



Scalable Digital Onboarding

The integration of new employees has always been important: contributing to talent retention, alignment with the vision and values of the organization, and increased productivity.
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Cognita designs, implements and makes Onboarding Programs operational, integrating both the institutional and technical dimensions in a digital, scalable and customized journey, with adaptive sequences that change the path of new employees according to the area of the company they are joining and the role they will play there.
(Case Onboarding Take Blip)