VcSBC wins Governarte 2015

The ZUP system, applied in the city of São Bernardo do Campo under the name VcSBC, was one of the five winning initiatives of the 2015 Governarte competition.


Governarte: The art of good government / Eduardo Campos Award


2015 (Third edition)


Cities and Big Data

The Governarte Competition Governartecarried out by the Inter-American Development Bank with support from the Canadian Fund for Universal Legal Identity in Latin America and the Caribbean (CCR), aims to identify and reward the best practices and innovations in public management in municipal governments in the region, with the objective of disseminating them throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.

Prize: Cities and Big Data

The ZUP* system, applied in the city of São Bernardo do Campo under the name VcSBCwas one of the five winning initiatives of the Governarte 2015 competition. The system created by Instituto Tim and developed and implemented by Cognita, competed with 94 initiatives from cities in Latin America and the Caribbean.
VcSBC won the award in the category "Cities and Big Data", which recognized initiatives that have improved people's lives through the use of big data.
*ZUP is free software created by Tim Institute and developed by Cognita

Winning case: VcSBC

Launched in June 2015, the system already had more than 18 thousand citizens participating and about 450 public managers registered in the first year; generated more than 13.5 thousand reports and requests; and is used by 53 secretariats and departments of the municipal government. Through VcSBC, around 25.6 thousand trees in the municipality were also mapped, to identify possible problems.

Scalable Digital Onboarding

The integration of new employees has always been important: contributing to talent retention, alignment with the vision and values of the organization, and increased productivity.
Today, in a context of market heating and increased turnover, onboarding is considered a priority and strategic, as an indicator of how quickly the company can compose and replace its team in order not to affect the operation; or to gain scale, taking advantage of business opportunities.
Cognita designs, implements and makes Onboarding Programs operational, integrating both the institutional and technical dimensions in a digital, scalable and customized journey, with adaptive sequences that change the path of new employees according to the area of the company they are joining and the role they will play there.
(Case Onboarding Take Blip)